\documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{fourier} % Utilisation des polices texte \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{0pt}% \usetikzlibrary[positioning] \usetikzlibrary{patterns} \usepackage[french]{babel} % styles français \newcommand{\daywidth}{8 em} % Style for Days \tikzset{day/.style = {draw, minimum height = 1cm, minimum width = \daywidth, fill = yellow!20, anchor = south west}} % style for title \tikzset{title/.style = {draw, minimum height = 1 cm, minimum width = 1.5 cm, fill = black, text = white}} % Style for hour \tikzset{hour/.style = {draw, minimum height = 1 cm, minimum width = 1.5 cm, fill = yellow!30, anchor = north east}} % Styles for events \tikzset{hours/.style = {draw, text centered, minimum width = \daywidth, anchor = north west, text width = 7 em}} \tikzset{1hour/.style ={hours, minimum height = 1cm}} \tikzset{2hours/.style ={hours, minimum height = 2cm}} \tikzset{3hours/.style ={hours, minimum height = 3cm}} %Style for type of sequence \tikzset{6B/.style ={1hour, fill = green!20}} \tikzset{2A/.style ={1hour, fill = red!20}} \tikzset{TESSP/.style ={1hour, fill = blue!20}} \tikzset{TES/.style ={1hour, fill = blue!10}} \tikzset{PESSP/.style ={1hour, fill = magenta!50}} \tikzset{Empty/.style ={1hour, fill = lightgray!30}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[x=\daywidth, y=-1cm, node distance=0 cm,outer sep = 0pt] % Positioning labels for days and hours \node[day] (lundi) at (1,8) {\textbf{Lundi}}; \node[day] (mardi) [right = of lundi] {\textbf{Mardi}}; \node[day] (mercredi) [right = of mardi] {\textbf{Mercredi}}; \node[day] (jeudi) [right = of mercredi] {\textbf{Jeudi}}; \node[day] (vendredi) [right = of jeudi] {\textbf{Vendredi}}; \node[hour] (8-9) at (1,8) {\textbf{8-9}}; \node[hour] (9-10) [below = of 8-9 ] {\textbf{9-10}}; \node[hour] (10-11) [below = of 9-10] {\textbf{10-11}}; \node[hour] (11-12) [below = of 10-11] {\textbf{11-12}}; \node[hour] (12-13) [below = of 11-12] {\textbf{12-13}}; \node[hour] (13-14) [below = of 12-13] {\textbf{13-14}}; \node[title,above = of 8-9] {2009}; % lundi 1 \node[6B,2hours] at (1,8) {6B \textcolor{red}{(S 01)}}; \node[Empty] at (1,10) {}; \node[Empty] at (1,11) {}; \node[Empty] at (1,12) {}; \node[Empty] at (1,13) {}; % mardi 2 \node[2A] at (2,8) {2A \textcolor{red}{(B 21)}}; \node[Empty] at (2,9) {}; \node[Empty] at (2,10) {}; \node[TES] at (2,11) {TES \textcolor{red}{(B 12)}}; \node[Empty] at (2,12) {}; \node[PESSP] at (2,13) {PESSP \textcolor{red}{(B 21)}}; % mercredi 3 \node[TES,2hours]at (3,8) {TES \textcolor{red}{(B 13)}}; \node[2A] at (3,10) {2A gr B \textcolor{red}{(CB)}}; \node[2A] at (3,11) {2A gr A \textcolor{red}{(CB)}}; \node[Empty] at (3,12) {}; \node[Empty] at (3,13) {}; % jeudi 4 \node[2A] at (4,8) {2A \textcolor{red}{(B 21)}}; \node[TESSP] at (4,9) {TESSP \textcolor{red}{(B 12)}}; \node[6B] at (4,10) { 6B \textcolor{red}{(S 21)}}; \node[PESSP] at (4,11) { PESSP \textcolor{red}{(B 12)}}; \node[Empty] at (4,12) {}; \node[Empty] at (4,13) {}; % vendredi 5 \node[6B] at (5,8) {6B \textcolor{red}{(S 21)}}; \node[Empty] at (5,9) {}; \node[TESSP] at (5,10) {TESSP \textcolor{red}{(S 01)}}; \node[TES] at (5,11) {TES \textcolor{red}{(S 01)}}; \node[2A] at (5,12) {2A \textcolor{red}{(S 38)}}; \node[Empty] at (5,13) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}