Orbite elliptique 2

Définitions de certaines valeurs sur une orbite elliptique


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      mark=at position .65 with {\arrow{latex}}}}}}
  \coordinate (O) at (0, 0,0);
  \coordinate (Psi) at (3,3,0);
  \coordinate (M) at (-5.5,-3.5,1.2);
  \coordinate (P) at (-5.5,-0.44,1.2);
  \draw (O) -- (Psi);
  \draw (O) -- (P);
  \draw (O) -- (M);
  \draw[fill=red,opacity=0.1] (-6,-3,0) -- (-6,3,0)
    -- (6,3,0) -- (6,-3,0) -- cycle;
  \draw (-6,-3,0) -- (-6,3,0) -- (6,3,0) -- (6,-3,0) -- cycle;
  \draw[thick] (0,-3,0) -- (0, 3 ,0);
  \draw[directed,rotate = {\moonangle}] (0,0)
    ellipse[x radius = \rad, y radius = 2.48cm];
  \draw[rotate = {\moonangle},fill=green, opacity=0.2] (0,0)
    ellipse[x radius = \rad, y radius = 2.48cm];

  \node[below] at (Psi) {$\Psi$};
  \node at (0.5,0,0) {S};
  \node[left] at (0,-3.1,0) {B};
  \node[right] at (0,3.1,0) {A};
  \node[above] at (M) {M};
  \node[above,right] at (P) {P};

      \clip (0,3,0) -- (-6,3,0) -- (-2,3,2) -- cycle; % triangle AEC
      \draw [rotate={\moonangle},red] (3.5,3.5,0) ellipse (1 and 0.5);
  \node [right,red] at (0,3.5,1) {$i$};

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